About Your Guide


Keshava Dasa joined the Hare Krishna movement at the age of 19 and spent 8 years living in the Melbourne Mahaprabhu Temple as a monk. In 1997, he married and since 1999 he has been taking pilgrims on guided tours to some of the most sacred sites of India. His first visit to India was in 1991 where he accompanied his spiritual master to many of Vrindavana’s sacred sites, learning about the fascinating history and unique spiritual potency of these areas. Since then, he has returned to India almost every year and receives great fulfillment in sharing his knowledge with those who accompany him.


He manages Hare Krishna Valley, a 200-acre rural property in the foothills of the Otway Ranges. There he lives with his wife and several friends who are dedicated to demonstrating an Eco lifestyle for the benefit of humanity.

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He also teaches at the Melbourne Institute for Higher Education in Albert Park. He has taught a number of courses several nights a week for the last 10 years and is currently leading around 30 students in a study of Srimad Bhagavatam , one of India’s classic spiritual texts.